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I enjoy speaking to people about conservation, the work that I do and how they can contribute to protecting our planet. I am an engaging presenter and speaker and I always prepare my presentations to suit my audience, whether it be a scientific presentation for a conference or a talk to primary school children or at a corporate function. I will always make the presentation suit the age and background of my audience. At all times I aim at igniting curiosity and a passion in my audience - about our planet and how they can contribute to its protection.
As a TED Fellow I gave a talk at one of the grandest stages in the world - The TED Conference in Vancouver, Canada.
I am passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion. I give talks around the importance of empowering the Black, Indigenous and People of color (BIPOC) conservationists and local communities for better conservation outcomes.

I also give talks on the work that my organisation Wildlife Conservation Action and I are doing working with communities that live alongside wildlife; building their capacity to protect wildlife, coexist with wildlife and improve their livelihoods.

I am passionate about inspiring the next generation of conservation leaders. I give talks and seminars to conservation students around the world.
I also organize and facilitate workshops around wildlife conservation and human-wildlife coexistence.

I have been interviewed on various platforms including television and radio across the world.
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